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Re: Python Programming

By: Zimbler0 in POPE 5 | Recommend this post (0)
Sat, 16 May 20 2:18 AM | 77 view(s)
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Msg. 61859 of 62138
(This msg. is a reply to 61749 by Decomposed)

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Decomposed > The language reminds me a lot of BASIC.

It does me too. But there are differences in the syntax.
When you get to lists, tuples, and dictionaries . . .
Then some of the power available starts to become clear.

And then one can import functions from other places. Like
math, and tkinter. One can also import functions one has
written and put in other files.

from tkinter import *
quadrum = Tk()
quadrum.geometry("600x800+100+100") # Make the Window on the screen.
zx=300 # X ordinate of origin
zy=300 # y ordinate of origin
sczl=50 # default scale value for numbering and drawing
# Functions to draw things
from drawfun_g import drawaxis, drawpoint, drawgraph # Import the three functions.
from drawfun_g import addlabels # Places non-changing labels

'from tkinter import * ' is where I bring tkinters functions and make them
available inside my program. 'from drawfun_g' is where I import those
three functions for drawing the coordinate axis etc. etc.

There are also lots of function blocks available for python.

And I'm just dabbling in it.



Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Python Programming
By: Decomposed
in POPE 5
Fri, 15 May 20 6:52 AM
Msg. 61749 of 62138


Re: "(And taking a free on line course in it.)"
Me too, with Python.

I installed PyCharm (a Python programming environment that runs on Windows), then went through the first 5 days of slides and assignments from UVA's introductory Python programming course. Lectures are available online too, but so far I haven't felt the need to watch them. The language reminds me a lot of BASIC.

Tomorrow, I'll start on graphics. (The first assignment is to draw a colored square with something called 'Python Turtle Graphics'.)

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