My few reasons for going to a Starbux:
• My wife’s niece worked there and she wanted us to stop by.
Why didn't you meet her outside? (lol)
• On a trip my daughter wanted to stop and that was the only ‘coffee’ place we saw.
I had a Dad once and he would have stopped to get me cawfee anywhere. THIS I do understand. The precious one.
• They have a program called ‘Grounds for the Garden’ where they will give you free, used coffee grounds for gardening.
No offense, but big whoop. I drink cawfee and I will send you as many coffee grounds as you want. I'll go door-to-door and collect 'em for ya!
So, I have had my reasons, but they cannot be dressed in a way that I find threatening, even for free coffee grounds.
I wonder what happens if you're an employee and you refuse to wear the shirt?
What if you wanted to wear a green shirt that says, "IRISH MATTERS?"
Unemployment and soup lines, I guess.
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.