Racial inequality.
Could someone kindly explain to me just what in the name of Sam Hill that is?
I think these Black Racists are living in the sixties and seventies.. And ealier...
I personally was reared by parents in a poor neighborhhod in cincinnati and we were all taught as children to love everyone equally. Our mailman was black. Leroy was HIS name. I still remember Leroy. Kindest, gentlest soul the Lord ever put on HIS earth. ALL of us neighborhood kids loved him and always had all kinds of things for him for Christmas every year we lived there.... He was special.
My elementary schoold teachers were BLACK.. Actually more brown than black.. I loved Mr. Shad.. He was the coolest teacher ever... 4th grade. He taught sciences and was our phys ed teacher as well. We had school comptetitons in track and field back inthose days and I was always the anchor on the boys relay team, the kicker and thrower of a round rubber ball. I always won.. I was very athletic as a youngster, strong and very fast runner.
Mr. Shad mentored me.. I have never forgot him..
Willie was my best friend in the Corps. His name is on the WAll in Washington. We were very close in many bad situations. I carried him out and laid him with the dead and wounded. I would have given my life for him..
Every black person I have met I have not felt any animosity toward and always only ever saw a human being after God's own image.
There are so many rules and regulations and laws about treating people of any race or nationality differently that an employer would be at high risk to not just treat people the same.
The engineers I worked with early after beginning my work career were white, asian, black. We all got along wonderflly well. Scotty was a wonderful black man with whom I had become very close to. He also was an athlete and we competed together in mens class A softball... He was good. He was my friend until I left the company and started my career as an executive VP and then beame a manufacturing plant owner after that.
What I hear and see by these radicals is that they don;t want EQUAL rights. They already have that and then some.
They want preferential treatment regardless of qualifications or abilities to perform the work at the levels required.
They want MORE RIGHTS than every one else on this planet andit has to stop NOW.
The BS rhetoric about racial inequality is just that, BS.
Decide to go to school, HIGH SCHOOL, and acheive and learn while there. Prepare for an education. LEARN. Do something besides besides shoot other people over narcotics and dope. Stop mothing off to police when you get pulled over for a violation. Say yes sir, no sir, and thank you officer. be polite and youw ill have NO PROBLEMS. STOP resisting and fighting all the time and then wonder why you are shot...
The BULL SHIT calls for more preferential treatment have to stop and the rest of whatever is left of America better wake up...
MY generation did not grow up with racial prejudice.. My children's generation did not either... So most of tis stuff the radical blacks complain about is IMAGINARY or SELF INFLICTED.
They are 13 percent of thepopulation. When you piss off the other part of that percentage by trying really hard, it is going to drive a wedge between any respect there is left now to almost zero respect afterward and then you will have a real backlash .
WHERE are the calming voices of Black leadership????
Are there any left?
Where is Dr. Thomas Sowell? I wish Dr. Tony Evans would be of influence. He is a wonderful speaker and man of God who knows the Bible. I listen to him.. And several other good Biblical based preachers.
But somebody withrationale from the Black community MUST step forward to help reign in this insanity and FAKE messaging of racial inequality.
I am almost blind with rage over that kind of rhetoric...
Iam sure that my frind Leroy, and Willie would be rolling over in the grave were they not in God's presence...