Ok, so I am making a feeble attempt to read and reply to posts here.
I am also gently trying to fry some hamburger meat so I can add it to my sauce and then I'll have a wonderful meat sauce for my spaghetti.
Welp, I don't know what happened but I have a GAS stove, which I hate. I always had electric and this stove scares me.
I think a little piece of meat fell into that gas "thing" and I don't know the name of it. BUT, all of a sudden, flames started shooting up. omg, my heart is still racing.
So I hate GAS stoves.
I hate GAS for my car. I was raised in NJ, where it is still against the law to pump your own gas. So first ya have to go into that stupid mini-mart, prepay even though you don't know how much GAS you need, and then ya have to yank on that pump and get it into your car. It's tricky though. Did you know there is a button on your car door that you press and it opens that gas cover on your car? No charge for that information.
I know this will come as a huge surprise to all of you, but I have never been in the correct spot to get that long tubie thingee into the tank. Oh yeah, I usually have to move the car about a dozen times to get it aligned with the gas pump. Yep. I suck.
Ok, so I hate GAS stoves and I hate putting GAS in my car and what I really hate is when someone PASSES GAS.
Some people who do that, quickly jerk their neck and turn towards me so that everyone thinks I ate a dozen onions.
That is today's lesson on why I hate gas.
Tomorrow, we will be discussing why I hate computers.
Ohhhh, here's my Mom: "who made a noise?"
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.