I had no vote in the team name or the Helmet design.
I can say that I put my grandson's helmet on. You would not believe how HEAVY these things are toda, extreme padding, and tight. I could not wait to take it back. A far cry from what I used to play in and even my son in law.
These kids are using college football helmets or bettertoday for safety... Glad I am not wearing them.
The team up north. We jes want themto think they have a shot at eb
beating the Buckeyes. The Wolverines of Michigan don't have a prayer of that happening. IF we play this year the Buckeyes will wipe the field with them. They are stacked and loaded even after losing the best defensive end in the country to the draft and several wide receivers who were sensational and now in the NFL.
Thanks for tuning in though... We lost the game in the second half.
My grandson said that they were simply gassed from not enough conditioning before this short season began.
I thought we should have thrown the ball more. The QB has a very good arm and is accurate but the head coach is an idiot.
The big back that carries most of the time is Austin Fultz. He and my grandson played together since they were 6 years old all the way up. Tyler finally ot big enough and strong enough to give out some blows instead of being on the receiving end.
Did you notice they moved him a lot to the defensive line to as a down lineman to try to stop the run ? He is only 200 pounds going against much larger kids but his strength enables him to throw people off of him.