If one makes a decision based upon a lie, one will make a bad decision.
This is something I have believed to be an axiom for living.
For example, if someone tells you a bridge is safe to cross, and you start to cross it, and it collapses under you . . . Well, you were lied to, you made a decision and it was a bad decision.
What is the role of the media? Why is the press specifically mention in the Constitution in the words 'Freedom of the Press'? Well, I believe it is the job of the media to tell people the truth. To ferret out lying politicians and expose
crooked corrupt activities within the government.
And what does it mean when less than a third of the American People believe the american media? This is true. The new york times wrote an article that was published in my local paper with the numbers that prove it.
So, why is it that over two thirds of the American People do not trust the media? Because the american media has been caught far too many times lying to U.S. After the invasion of Iraq the Troops found what was obviously the fill for chemical warheads. The media claimed those incredibly poisonous chemicals stored in super secret ammo bunkers were 'harmless pesticides'. And you wonder why we no longer believe you.
Why did you lie about that? The obvious reason is you wanted to get a worthless political hack named john kerry into the White House.
In 2016 the media was full of it with how hillary clinton was going to win the election. Hillary clinton? Who should have been indicted for putting America's secrets on her insecure e-mail server? (Among many other crimes.) And then Trump won. Not only did Trump win, but the lies of the media were exposed.
Brett Kavanaugh was supposed to be denied a seat on the Supreme Court because a liar named blasey ford concocted a fairy tell. Front page news. Tara Read has a much more credible story about how joe biden abused her, but her story is buried deep. Hunter Biden's laptop pops up and we have evidence of what crooked corrupt people the bidens are . . . and that story is also buried as deep as the lying media scum can.
For the last four years many folks have seen how the democrat party is facilitating and preparing for massive electoral fraud in this election. The election was held, and there is evidence of fraud all over the country. And what do the lying media scum do? Scream, in harmony with the most crooked corrupt politicians in American history, that there is no fraud.
I have only presented a few examples of the innumerable lies the lying media scum have perpetrated upon the American People. Over two thirds of the American People know you are lying media scum. I do not know what we are going to do about it. But I suspect it will not be pretty.
Mad Poet Strikes Again.