The reason the easement is no longer valid is a little like squatters' rights. The easement to drive the road was legitimate enough when it was granted in 1961, but a court would likely say that it is expired after not being used for 20+ years. It's still in my deed, though. I wish it wasn't. BUMMER.
Had the exact same situation years ago. Some millennial bought a "membership" lot. You couldn't build on them, as there were many in the neighborhood, but this SNOT brought in equipment to make a driveway up to his house on the membership lot. Never paid to have it attached to his house, never asked permission from anyone to do what he wanted.
He accessed all of this activity on OUR ONLY entrance way to our house. The old law was 20 years of inactivity, but they increased it to 30 years when we weren't looking.
We should have gone to court.
We would have won.
I just didn't have the energy.
Don't whine about $1,300.
We spent over 30 grand.
At the time, he and his snot wife did not have kids.
They now have three daughters.
Funny thing about karma, Justin.
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.