Thanks De!
we are a special bunch indeed!
Got word back from my Spine surgeon. I was told that basically we could discuss him doing a spine fusion with associated rods and screws where my left knee burns and goes numb. Apparently he cannot discover which nerve is being compressed when I stand. Only probelm is that when I am sitting this does not happen.. So how is a MRI going to show a compressed nerve when you are LAYING flat on yer back on a table???
I'm just a dumb engineer but that makes no sense to me..
I think I am going to get a second opinion at Mayfield Spine and Brain Clinic. They are who Mayo clinic recommended me to some six years ago and that top surgeon found the problem when another one at a different group said he could not find the cause... Maybe I need to go get a second opinion at Mayfield... If it is a matter of fusing facets together or freeing up a nerve I am not comfortable with the lack of information...