Swallwell is just one of an entire pit full of writhing belly slitherers in Washington. I suspect there are several on the RINO side who are as complicit and guilty of same thing he is as well as many more on the Demonrat side as well. He got caught because he is literaly stupid.
He thinks with what is between his legs and noting else.. As many of them there do...
I will never know why these men are never content to be with the one they married and were in love with..
Well, yes I do. It is a heart condition and a sin problem that has never been taken care of..
Nevertheless, he is indeed a vile cretin as are many others.
My hope is fading that anything will happen to keep Trump in office.. Though this election was certainly stolen and it was not even concealed, which is basically the end of the American Dream as we knew it...
I hope I am wrong. But the light is growing dimmer by the day.....