I did not know that was the case. I can tell you the MALL was full of shoppers today as were all the grocery stores around here.
SO the Guvner can stick it where the sun does not shine..
He does not have Constitutional authority to tell any US citizen to stay at home..
De Wine was a RINO Senator about 9 years ago when he was voted out of office and got beat by Sherrod Brown. I voted for Brown.. At least I aklays knew how that TURD was going to vote. He wasn't pretending to be something he wasn't.
Apparently the people of Ohio for some reason seem to have short memories. I would love to sign a recall petition on DeWine.. Jim Jordan would make a great Governor.. I would make a great Governor. WHY? Because I am not a politician.. I'm a businessman who happens to also be an ME and a man of FAITH with an BRE and MRE
I'm available for candidacy if nobody else worth a crap steps up ... time ot put DeWine out of poklitics permanently. he's done enough damage...