The above list shows replies to the following message: |
Msg. 10224 of 60008
(This msg. is a reply to 10222 by ribit) |
.being a good man is kinda synonymous with being a Texan ------ I have to agree with that. Very gentlemanly, and kind of like a brother in many ways. Looks out for ya. Nah, I won't tell him. Now there's a man with NO EGO. Swelled head - geeeez, what a set-up! ----------------- be afraid of all of us. All men are pigs and I am their king. ----- Nope. Can't. I already know that all of you watch out for me already. Nope, not pigs. NEVER. Yes, but you're their king and you should be proud of it. loveyouall - If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. |
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