while yer point about tweeting is valid to a degree, the volume of planned , pre-meditated theft of an election and altering of votes, creating out of thin air millions of votes for Biden, changing votes from one candidate to the other by using programming in the vote machines, is what caused the totals to come out as they did.
NOBODY, not even Jimmy CArter could be leading by 400,000 votes at ten o'clock at night and in a matetr of two hours be trailing by a million... That is not caused by disliked tweets.. That is outright vote tampering..
I don't like a lot of things but THIEVES is right at the top of my list...
I did not employees who stole from me and the company and I do;t like people who steal anything in general. But to steal the election from a NATION you and I both oput our lives on the line for with no guarantees of coming home alive ought to make you somewhat pizzed off....
Its a good thing I am old and almost disabled.
Every single person who was involved in this premeditated assault on our country, our Constitution, the American way of life that we fought for and millions died for, should be brought to justice and appropriate sentences given...
Yes. I am angry. I do not mind losing fair and square.. I get beat on the golf course regularly. I have ben defeated in chess matches, high school football games, basketball games, baseball games, track meets, fair and square and have shaen the hands of those who were the victors.. They earned it.. Fairly.
The Trumpsters ego and his itchy trigger finger is something both miz micro and myself would like to stop, but that was not the cause of this election theft...
L:OTS of ppeople need to and must be exposed and brought to justice for an attempted overthrow of government and stand swift, miltary trials..
My opinions with millions just like me who believe the same things.
Just my five cents worth of opinion on it sire.. I am a bit surprised by your conclusion...
Yer brother and pal.
semper fi!