Of course God had Noah to build the Ark. Yes it was arduous work.. God provided the PLANS for the Ark as well. GOD actually SHUT the door of the ARK and sealed it when the flood waters came and everyone and all the creatures were onboard. GOD closed and sealed the door.
That is a picture of what happens when a person becomes a child of the King. He gets SEALED up and preserved until the day GOD calls them home, like Naoh and his family .
Noah would not have perished. God would have found a way to save Noah but he provided Noah the strength and stamina to as well as directions to accomplish the task. Just as HE does anyone who is doing something that God has told them to do in His service...
He does not give you a job to do and NOT provide all the tools and energy needed to accomplish it..
He used all those years it took to build that Ark for NOAH to continue PREACHING repentence to the people.
Because God is always the God of multiple opportunities trying to reach out to people who are not HIS own so they too may dwell eternally with HiM..
EVEN after the Rapture begins, in between judgments Angels will circle the globe asking people to repent. HE is not willing that ANY should perish but that all may come to repentence and live eternally with Him.
Noah was a PROPHET.. Don;t know if you know thator not but NOah was firstly a Preacher in the LORD'S work..
God used him to preach about GOD to those around Noah's area so that they could hear the MESSAGE of repentence and salvation. Looking TO Jesus , the author and finisher of our faith. They looked TOWARD the CROSS for the Lamb slain, we are on the iother side looking BACVK at the Cross at the RISEN SAVIOR.
It is ALL of FAITH in both Testaments.
My messages are always pointing people to Christ and repentence for the redemptive power of Salvation..
Come to Jesus by simple faith and believe in HIM, trusting HIM for one's only hope of Eternal Life.. Nothing else. Nothing we can do. No works of our own. We have NO righteousness, only the righteousness Christ GIVES US when we trust HIM alone as Lord and Savior..
It was the same in Noah's day... The Messiah we call CHRIST was the same Yesterday, today, and forever.
As Solomon ponted out, There is nothing new under the sun.. GOD's PLAN of salvation has always been the same for mankind. In Noah's day , in Adam's days, in Moses' day, Abraham, and today. It is ALL about CHRIST and NONE of us.
People should RUN to HIM if they have never trusted HIM alone as Lord and savior.. The day is coming quickly that will not be possible, as you are taking note of...