Replies to Msg. #1165528
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11662 micro - always remember ...
Beldin   6TH POPE   22 Jan 2021
6:51 PM
11657 Re: good morning all

My wife is NOT permitted to be in the hospital today at all. So I am going it alone.. It was like this with the knee arthroscopy back in June..

She can come visit me on Saturday. Coming home? UP to Doctor. Don't know . All depends on how it goes and what he thinks and whether I can actually do anything. We'll see. I read the average stay is 3 - 5 days from this procedure.. I am hoping miracles happen and maybe I can make a jail break after one overnight... lol!! We shall see.

Right now I can do nothing more on my own. IT ALL is out of my control and I am a control freak.. lol!!!

I am dressed to leave and showered with Hibiclens this morning already. I have not eaten sine 5:00 p.m.
yesterday so I am a tad hungry. I wonder if I can get a pizza after recovery??? Thumbs Up Or a bag of Oreos with some milk or hot tea..
IF YOU all could be praying at 2:00 p.m. asking GOD to guide Dr. KAchman and watch over me then I know I will feel the answers to those requests. Doc is about middle forties and very confident and highly rated neurosurgeon specializing in spinal fusions. SO I am in good hands with him.. He promised me already he will be extra careful and not nick any nerves although there are a boatload of them he has to navigate past just to get to the spine.. He is going through my lower side instead of back.. That ought to be interesting.....

THANK YOU all and De for your kind notes to me and Nemo as well. I am very thankful and Grateful to you and would continue to ask pleae pray at 2:00 p.m. God will hear and HE will answer..
I commend myself to THEE O GOD for your care and keeping while I cannot look after myself. Give to Dr. KAchman guidance thru Your Spirit and wisdom to successfully USE HIM to help heal my back problems. Thank you for what you will do Lord and I am trusting in YOU and nothing else. To thee be the glory forever and ever. I ask it in Jesus holy name, amen...

See you guys on the other side with HIS blessing and will...
Your friend,
