“The four orders I’m signing today will be on the prescription drug market in terms of pricing and everything else to make these medications affordable and accessible for all Americans,” said Trump, surrounded by health care professionals. “The first order will require federal community health centers to pass the giant discounts they received from drug companies on insulin and EpiPens directly to their patients. You know insulin became so expensive people weren’t able to use it. They desperately needed it.” PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP>>>
I read this on the DailyWire this morning. Looks like folks may be continuing their ride/s to Canada for cheaper MEDICINES, not drugs.
JOE, YOU STINKING DIPSHIT, where are you getting all the dough for $15 minimum wage ($30 grand a year and if the spouse works, it $60 grand) AND the additional food stamps.
So the elderly, who depend on the above medications so they can LIVE (imagine that, Joe?) so we can AGAIN encourage the poor to NOT work, or be overpaid for a menial job AND provide more food stamps so that the poor can be fatter than they are already.