I wonder why the red states are in bad financial condition? Covid hit their economy. I guess if you don’t have an economy, Covid can’t hit it.
I have an idea. Instead of having the states with real economies (mostly blue states) keep bailing out the welfare queen (mostly red states), let them get back the money they send to the feds for 5 years.
Let the welfare queen states learn how to meet ends without getting endless handouts from the states with real economies.
Then we’ll see who is fiscally responsible and who the spendthrifts are.
Teach the welfare queen states some fiscal responsibility for a change.
Besides, if you don’t help out the states with real economies now, who do you think the welfare queens are going to mooch money from in the future?
It’s one thing to be a leech. It’s another for the leech to bite the hand that feeds you.
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