Replies to Msg. #1167894
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12838 Re: Big news!

Re: “Congratulations. Now, I would personally advise against going to californica for any reason.”
Thanks. And we're from California - so, believe me, I know. I agree with you but I'll stop short of saying "for any reason." If UCSD makes an incredible offer it could affect the decision. As I said earlier, Wisconsin and CMU are his top choices because they have strong Logic programs. UCSD? Not so much. UCSD is very good in Hardware Architecture - the field taught by the professor now requesting a talk and, probably, what Joey's actual concentration will be at Wisconsin.

He'll listen to what UCSD has to say, but I don't think it will make the kind of offer it would take to swing him to their school. If it even makes him an offer. It very well may not. Acceptances at that level are very hard to come by.

That said, San Diego used to be a wonderful place but isn't so hot anymore. For one thing, the demographics are 58% minority. Maybe I'm wrong, but I equate that with "dangerous." The other, of course, is that it's in California. A kid could get drawn to the climate and beaches and lose sight of the long-term drawbacks.


Gold is $1,581/oz today. When it hits $2,000, it will be up 26.5%. Let's see how long that takes. - De 3/11/2013 - ANSWER: 7 Years, 5 Months