Last week I underwent a couple more tests for ongoing issues I have seen the so called professionals about such as non-stop, continual water in my right foot and leg with severe swelling, and shooting pain down that same leg into the bend line of the foot, what appears to be multiple hernias and verified by scan, and of course a knee that is totally shot and when attempt to walk causes my right leg and foot to roatae to right and outward when stepping. This throws everything on my skeletal frame out of alignment and of course the leg and knee do not appreciate absorbing that weight..
So, yesterday I received a couple different messages and phone calls. The Vascular doctor I went to originally told me to stop taking Eliquis, a med used to dissolve clots and thin blood.. That was about two weeks ago.
I had another DVT sonogram scan test that was very thorough at another hospital, a top 100 in the U.S. hospital no less.
His Assistant called me on my cell yesterday afternoon and informed me that I do indeed have a DVT clot in my lowest leg extremity near that bend line and to get back on the Eliquis for the next six months...
Seems the ER doctor and another pimary care doctor I went to for a second opinion were both right originally in their thought processes and the Vascular surgeon was wrong... He cost me two weeks of thinning out this clot and had me go purchase a compression sock that is way to tight for me to keep on and my wife does not have the hand strength to stretch it to get it on..
I took my eliquis last night at 6 p.m. and do that twice daily so at 6: 00 a.m. this morning took the next pill of many to follow.. My circulation is already geting slightly better so I know it works..
TODAY I See the Hernia Surgeon at 2:15 p.m. I have been diagnosed with TWO hernias on opposite sides of the bladder area, one being larger than other in terms of bulging out and actually causing discomfort..
Of course my fear is that he will need to operate on both and when done I will be a sliced and diced mess on soft tissue in lower stomach area and you cannot move your body wthout using stomach muscles... I also am weary of being a test kit for I.V's being inserted into my hands and arms.. Its just the thought that bothers me but after awhile you just get tired of being a pin and I.V. cushion...
Oh yeah, the right shot knee. I am supposed to make an appointment to go have some injection using hyaluronic acid and some other stuff to help with letting the knee slide and function instead of being bone on bone like it is.. Supposedly I can do this every week if need be...
I may try this a couple times and see if it helps but there is something about having a six inch long syringe stuck into the center of your knee and unloaded that kinda gets to me ahead of the shot...
I hope your days are better than mine.. I cannot get dressed on my own, put socks, shoes, underwear, pants, on , or be in shower alone because I cannot bend so my wife has to wash most of me and then dry me off and get me dressed..
Maybe the Eliquis will take care of getting this leg swelling with water to go away eventually but I have been set backwards by a few weeks on that. I cannot wear shoe on my right foot as foot is too swollen to get one on..
Anyway, this is really my life after the spinal surgery and because of these issues I am now wondering how the hernia surgery is going to go and how will this affect me. Questions for the surgeon this afternoon....