true nacl, but it also teaches by virtue of problem solving in mathematics LOGICAL Progression, hence, logical thinking.. This likely the most important aspects for problem solving and even critical thinking..
Math does so much more for us than teach us how to use formulations to solve various equations or everyday answers used in engineering departments all over the world, not to mention the governmentalagencies and miltary suppliers.
Step 1 comes before step 2, and so on..
One can always tell the raw and sheer ignorance and lack of mathematical learning from people who espouse such ludicrous and moronic crap as what this topic states.. These dimwits have not a clue....
I have a son in law who has a PHD in mathematics, a nephew who also has a PHD and is a genuine Actuary for a large international Insurance company in Cincinnati and he tavels the world for them.. My Niece who is cousin to my daughters, and younger by several years, is a Mathematics teacher in the same high school as my daughter. Sarah my niece has a Masters plus 60 in mathematics. In discussions with all the "braintrust" in the family, they have all stated that there is a logical order and progression one must follow in problem solving, and mathematics teaches us that betetr than any other subject..
I certainly am not going to dipute them as they have progressed far more than I did, although as a lifelong ME I have been using math all my life..
I like your comment about people having issues with rules .
I doubt that everyone who does notl ike rules is racist..
That my friend is human nature and is addressed by none other than Jesus Christ and GOD the Father in the Bible..
People have what is known as FREE WILL. They rebel against rules that GOD HIMSELLF put in place for ouro wn good and benefit.
Its not racist.. In the case of disobedience to God it is called SIN. And all of us have that natire.. Some mre than others.. And thisis where I think this observation of yours, a(a very good one imo), actually lies at..
Remember that it shold never be a surprise that people love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil... author: Jesus Christ
Have a great and wonderful day kind sir! Good to see and hear you!