Lots of substance, here, frog king.
First, I'm not gonna grade God on ANYTHING ... zero, nada, nothing! He knows everything and I do not. My prayers regarding the 2020 election were not answered in the way I wanted, but His will be done ... 'cuz I'm in absolutely no position to be placing bets against God.
Paul's admonition about "governing authorities" in Romans 13:1 has always been a tough one for me, as I'm very sure it was for the Christians in Rome at that time. I believe this is sound doctrine, and so I am following the rules and not advocating or agitating for rebellion. Of course, that does not mean I'm not well within my rights, as an American citizen, to criticize the actions (or inactions) of our government and point out when it strays into the realm of foolishness and even illegality.
HOWEVER, where this all becomes a much more difficult problem for me is in the definition of "governing authorities." I believe God very much is directly responsible for instituting The Governing Authority for all American citizens - The Constitution of the United States. Representatives of the people in the United States government come and go, but they are all sworn to uphold The Authority - The Constitution of the United States. As such, if any of these representatives abrogate their oath to The Constitution and attempt to rescind all or portions of The Constitution they are beholden to ... well ... I believe that American citizens, being subject to The Governing Authority, are obligated to abide by and defend The Constitution of the United States against those who move to resist and destroy it. Therefore, at the risk of being at odds with St. Paul ... or much worse yet, God ... I believe we are still subjecting ourselves to The Governing Authority of this country by resisting, perhaps violently so, those who would commit treason against The Constitution, even if those traitors happen to currently be elected representatives.