REREAD MY MESSAGE specifically post #16879
I did NOT quote ANY NUMBERS as it relates to the subject of this thread "3,332. Thats the number of folks who died from the jungle juice jabs, in the last year...."
That is a FACT. You are simply WRONG and cannot admit it. That is a fatal flaw for someone who is 'prepping' In the future I obviously shall make sure I am 100% perfectly clear so you cannot attempt to nitpick or parse my comments - if any.
I find it humorous that someone who claims that they have been trying to divorce themselves from society has posted TWNETY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY FIVE messages on a chat bored.
And you have no idea who I am so let me be perfectly clear to you now. My convictions will not change unless, and until, I am forced to 'wear a yellow star.' IF we, as Americans allow it to progress to that point then I shall join Patrick Henry “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? (like vaccines?) Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”
Stay safe - stay FREE!!!