where did nature come from when there was NOTHING to begin with?
Amazing how all these things work including fresh water rivers in the depths of the oceans.. Oh yes, let's see, the U.S. Oceanagraphy department discovered this in the 1940's.
DO you want me to tell you where t find it in The Bible or would that be ofensive?
MUCH of what was written in The Word is proven by scientists all the time..
As I am unwilling to get into an argument, but realize that when the agnostics start up with this kind of stuff and want to discredit the God of ALL Creation and pretend that everything just happened by accident and not calculate the odds of that happenstance stuff, well, its kinda a slap in the face to the ONE who actually spoke and the Power of HIM brought things to pass.
People have been trying to discredit GOD for creation for a long time so you guys are simply joining a long list.
I am sorry and apologize publicly for upsetting you or anyone else with actually putting up the scripture references for things thatweere written thousands of years ago.... And still true today...
Unfortunately, if one does not believe that GOD was powerful enough to create the Heavens and The Earth, as He said, then you should also not believe that He will resurrect ANYONE or that Heaven is a real city that HE built for those who Love HIM and Believe HIM..
SO, I am done on this board showing the Biblical scriptures that answers questions as I wish not to be offensive but rather share some simple truth and provide the references..
My apologies to you and to ALL other non-believers who would rather leave God out of any plausible explanations..
Have you ever met or spoken with Ken Hamm from the Creation Museum? He would open your eyes quickly..
An exact replica of the Noah's Ark is here in Northern Kentucky over near the airport. It's an exact per Biblical measurements replica of The Ark which has been proven scientifucally to be ocen worthy in a great flood or storm. Just another one of those myths....