So only evangelical Christians love freedom?
Fighting against authority and tyranny?
Weird take from The Daily Beast.
And to act like comparing Ted Cruz to William Wallace is an insult?
Weirder take:
The Daily Beast ~ Mel Gibson’s sadomasochistic fantasy is beloved by evangelical Christians (and William Wallace wannabes like Ted Cruz), who wallow in its exaltation of violent, macho religion.
Libtards are such ridiculous, infantile buffoons.
From The Daily Beast:
The election of Barack Obama only heightened evangelical militancy and the need for a Christian warrior masculinity. In 2013, Ted Cruz pointed to Braveheart as “the key to understanding Washington,” and he liked to envision himself a modern-day William Wallace. In 2016, however, Ted Cruz would not be leading the charge.
Many observers were baffled by evangelical support for Donald Trump, a man who seemed the very antithesis of family-values evangelicalism. In fact, Trump embodied the rugged warrior masculinity that many evangelicals had come to expect in their political leaders, in terms of ruthlessness if not actual physical form.
They are still OBSESSED with Trump.
And of course, with Ted Cruz.
Who fired back.
Ted Cruz ~ Liberals hate freedom.
And individuality.
And resistance to government authority.
They do, however, like men in skirts.
[Bonus: the author, according her bio, also apparently hates John Wayne.] 😱
How could anyone hate John Wayne?!
Kids these days.
*shakes fist*
So does this mean Ted owns another outlet?
David Reaboi, Late Republic Nonsense ~
Why do they ALWAYS look like this?
You know there’s a therapy cat named Ruth Bader Ginsberg just out of frame.
Her therapy cat's name is "Ruth Bader Ginsberg" ... heh heh heh heh heh.
Craig Bowden ~ Resisting government authority is what we were founded on.
It’s really pretty simple.
Just sayin’.