Being that these are the same lying traitorous treasonous turds who a.) deprived the President of his Constitutional right to call witnesses at his 'impeachment trial' and b.) deprived 'We The People' of a decent drug with which to fight the wuhan flu (hydroxychloroquine) . . . well, I find it impossible to believe Trump was responsible for what happened on Jan 6. And I find it certain that the lying thieving demo-craps staged the whole thing.
I find it impossible to believe Trump was responsible for what happened on Jan. 6th. There is now a "commission" to investigate what happened that day, not what happened all of last summer in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis etc., which amazes me.
TRUMP lives in the heads of the libtardos. I have often said that if they didn't have Jan 6th to refer to, they would have virtually nothing.
Liz Cheney - KMA. And Pelosi, too. You want so very much to get EVEN with Trump that it might just cause you to have a stroke.
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.