Many people think they are a "Christian" because either someone in their family claims to be due to stepping foot inside some building somewhere and hearing some church service and person speak for half an hour.
By their definition of being a "christian", I could walk into my garage and be around my car for awhile, turn it on and listen to the engine, and "voila", I am now a car. Magic.. No?
The word "Christian" is used very loosely today and has lost most of its meaning. WHY? Because people tend to think that if they join some particular Church of one denomination or another, they automatically are Christians.
Christianity according to The Son of GOD is a HEART and Soul issue, not a physical presence in a building or being a memeber somewhere or dressing up.
People like the ones described above give the LORD Jesus a Black Eye and the true believers who are humble, grateful that Christ came to earth from Heaven's throne in the form and body of a human, sacrificed Himself and paid the penalty for our sins even though HE was sinless.
He was THE SCAPE GOAT and took on that responsibilty willingly for all of mankind's sake..
No human being would do that.
SO you have run into a lot of people claiming to be Christians who did not talk or act like it eh? That is no surprise but do not let that be what you consider true Faith and Christianity to be... You simply have been around phony and fake Christians. Impersonators if you will.
Spend some time with me and I will introduce you to ordinary people who are GIANTS in FAITH, humble and yet will give you the shirts off their backs not even knowing you if you have need. They act like and and have the humilty of Jesus Christ and if one ever got to really know them, they would find out that some of these folks are hugely successful in their lives and careers.
SO don;t let the fakes, the antichrists is what Jesus called them and John, fool you and condemn all the real believers that apparently you have not met.
I say a lot that there are plenty of phonies who give the Lord a Black eye every day.. They will all give an account beofre HIM some day for their misleading of others and their unforgiving and non humble spirits. HE said it, not me. I am only repeating what HE said... Its all in THE WORDS of GOD called The BIble..
Please don't let the words and actions of PHONIES sway your judgment. Television is full of such kind and the world has even more.
BROAD is the ROAD and path that leads to eternal destruction and MANY there be that are on this road. Narrow is the road that leads to life eternal and very few are traveling this road..
That was JESUS Christ describing the lifestyles and actions of people.
We are called to take the Good News of the Narrow road to people. We cannot force anyone into changing roads. THOSE are individual heart decisions that every individual must make and come to HIM by Faith in a humble and contrite spirit seeking forgiveness and trusting HIM ALONE for your eternal salvation which HE paid the Price for.
Do not let the phonies be your examples of real Believers in Christ.