Do Not Feed the Cancer
In Tokyo, yesterday, a man was rude to the small boy next door, and hurt his feelings. Forget Tokyo. Ask instead, what did I do, yesterday, that made the sun shine a little more dimly in my home, or a little brighter? Did I sing a song, or read one page of a good book, or do something for the blessedly useless joy of it, like a child? Did I take one small step back towards being fully human?
Oddly enough . . .
This article has me thinking about last Tuesday.
GirlFriend made me take her grandson to the beach.
My favorite beach - great for walking long distances
but, perhaps, not so much for a six year old boy.
The midget had a blast. I had all but forgotten
how much fun it can be to leap and roll around in
the easy surf of a small wave.
Mad Poet Strikes Again.