Reading completelythru an article posted yeaterday about a natural holistic doctor who has treated several hundred covid patients successfully, I am wondering if the IOIDINE is available. I haven;t gone looking for it yet but he says thatthe iodine ioens up the airways and reduces the congestion caused by the virus. Also megadoses of vitamins A, B, C, D and zinc like we have discussed prior courtesy of HydroGen. The addition to this of some Ivermectin OR hydroxychloroquin (which ya can't get yer hands on but ya can the Ivermectin), would finish off the home cure. Now the Doc did not use the Ivermectin. I am just adding that tgo what he said he treats patients successfully with..
It wasan excellent read and as he said, he has never LOST a partient and all have come thru just fine and that is now over trhee hundred... So he is 100 percent successful using this natural immunnity defense system to fight off the virus..
Imagine that....
The Military should round up the entire medical mouthpieces of the agencies promoting the SCAM and have Nuremberg trial here in the US .