Agreed pal. I have watched the vid with Farci, several times, saying, the mask MIGHT stop one droplet, THATS IT and if it makes people feel all rosey and secure let them wear it. Does 99.9% NOTHING at stopping anything virus related, but the spent carbon dioxide we expel when we exhale. That is what got me when wearing a face diaper., And I smoked so that really squeezed off my fresh air supply.
People will say, WELL THINGS ARE ALWAYS CHANGING. You damn right they are. Like all the $hit they try to sway us with, That I cant prove because I dont believe a word they say. I do however can prove their weekly mind changing happens all the time. That doesn't need proving, just watch what they spew!!!!!!!
Realist - Everybody in America is soft, and hates conflict. The cure for this, both in politics and social life, is the same -- hardihood. Give them raw truth.