Msg. 22555 of 60008 (This msg. is a reply to
22553 by
I think that is their goal De.......
Realist - Everybody in America is soft, and hates conflict. The cure for this, both in politics and social life, is the same -- hardihood. Give them raw truth.
COVID-19 may end up destroying everything. Everything. Including our way of life. And our prosperity. Or, more accurately stated, the elites' reaction to the virus may do what no previous enemy, foreign or domestic, has ever come close to doing. It is inarguable that without the coronavirus pandemic, Joe Biden would not be president today. And he and his puppet masters are well on their way to destroying America's work ethic, social fabric, economy, military, and global respect.
And now Biden is pressing employers to enact mask mandates, making one's vaccination status a condition of employment. It is illegal for an employer to ask a prospective employee about his race, age, sexual preference, or other medical history, but dammit, they can say, "Show us proof that you've had 'The Jab' or take a hike."
The highest unemployment rate in U.S. history was 24.9 percent in 1933, at the height of the Great Depression. Broad-based government-backed employer vaccine mandates would effectively mean that as many as 30 to 35 percent of us will essentially be told we can't have a job. Do we starve, surrender our homes, or go on unemployment and various other forms of government assistance?
What if the government decides that we won't be allowed to collect unemployment or any other form of assistance if we are not fully vaccinated?
In this one instance, and one instance only, I could see the administration saying it wouldn't be fair to make taxpayers have to fund benefits...for The Unvaccinated. It would be the government's very policies that created this massive group of unemployed and their subsequent need for assistance, but no one would be allowed to mention this with impunity. We are also in the throes of a pandemic of lies, obfuscation, and authoritarianism.
To say this does not bode well for the American economy, as well as the unvaccinated, would be an understatement. Even if additional assistance were not paid out, the burden on remaining taxpayers would be greatly increased. And the already historic labor shortage would be greatly exacerbated, most devastatingly so in the health care industry, ironically.
The fact that the unvaccinated are quickly being banned from restaurants, concert halls, sports venues, retail stores, theme parks, etc. necessarily means a substantial drop in revenue for these venues as well. Many businesses will have no alternative other than to close permanently. That means more unemployed people. Which...well, you get the idea.
We now even have the specter of people needing critical or life-saving surgery being told they must submit to becoming fully vaccinated before they will be accommodated.
The powers that be care so much about our health that they are basically telling us to "eff off" and die unless we agree to be vaccinated. One gets the distinct impression that our rulers would love to deport all of us MAGA-wearing unvaccinated types and replace us with refugees from any place that has no history or concept of individual liberty and the rule of law.
The elites are telling us what we can and can't do, where we are not allowed to go, and that we likely can't have gainful employment. What are they afraid of? Either the vaccinations work and they are protected or they don't and they are lying. I am sick and damn tired of the fulminations of those who purport to care yet use this pandemic to put their knees on the throats of those with whom they disagree. You do not shun people, ban them from public spaces, mock them as idiots, deny them gainful employment — and life-saving surgery — out of concern for their well-being.
Plainly put, these frauds are conducting the biggest hoax, power play, and act of evil in human history, all while attempting to cloak themselves in virtue-signaling glory. Sound vaguely familiar?
Winston Churchill once noted of the fight against the Nazis: "If we fail, then the whole world ... will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science." His observation is perfectly fitting today. Sadly, the new Nazis are winning, and are ironically doing so by labeling us "anti-vaxxers" and disguising themselves as "anti-Nazis" (Antifa), just as the new racists proclaim themselves to be anti-racists.
If the American economy is destroyed; the concepts of Natural Law and individual rights are expunged; and the 4th, 9th, and 10th Amendments to the Constitution are ignored, the United States — and the rest of the world — will sink into an abyss, a new Dark Age. It will be one made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science...and perverted scientists...whether at the Wuhan lab or in the NIH.
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