why this article is BULLSHIT.
Read the last line twice or three times..
The number of breakthrough cases is still small, so those who have been vaccinated probably have no need to worry.
Let's see now. Natural immunity from our own antibodies in a healthy immune system were not touched or discussed.
It is a medical fact that someone with a healthy immune system can fight off covid.
Seems like people who caved to get these experimental juice jabs are getting Covid more easily and are the ones spreading it to those who stayed the hell away from it.
But this article makes no sense. This guy makes a case about those who got the jab are so much better off than those who refuse and goes on to say that the vaccinated folks lose their ability to fight off the covid after 6 months so they want you to go get another LOAD of synthetic spike proteins. And then people actually wind up dying from this stuff and theones who are vaccinated are theones getting all the new cases of COVID anyway.
SO, if you had the experimental God knows what Jab, you are no more likely to not catch covid than someone who has not but you do have a weakened immune system. You have synthetic crap in your organs that should not be there. Also you are more likely to catch and spread covid after becoming the guinea pigs than a healthy non-vaccinated person who actually does take their vitamins and minerals daily. They ghave a robust natural immune system to fight covid or any other illness out there..
But those who have been vaccinated probably have no need to worry? ARE YOU KIDDING?????
THOISE are the ones doing all the spreading.. Getting COVID again even though they got the juice. WHY IS THAT?
Jab Please?
To JAB or NOT to JAB, that is the question...
Shakespeare could have had a field day with this lunacy.
Double speak just got a whole new level....