Oh, its him alright Nemo. Dementia brings out anger especially inpeople who in life were angry inside to begin with. Dementia acts like a giant magnifying glass. You are seeing the real Joe Biteme because ALL INHIBITIONS are removed in this disease..
The problem with stealing an election that you should never have won, with unqualified candidates to boot, is that when the one who stole the election gets into office and can no longer be the President, the moron you put on the ticket is also unqualified and not capable of being a President of The United States of America either..
But I think the dimwitcrats hadn't really considered that or they just did not care as they run the country in a backroom out of sight.. Unelected partisan hacks now run the United States White House...
That should make eeveryone's blood boil who is a PAtriotic American.
You just can't find ANY in this administration.. They ALL should be HANGED... TREASON..