YOU are full of **** and singing the party song..
...of course I am full of crap but not singing the company song.
Is there some reason in particular your brain simply does not want to see if there really is a different reason that tower came down like it did????
...common sense
DO YOU really trust the lieing sack of crap, GWB that much?
...nope, but the popular mechanics article makes a lot of sense.
Are you really closed minded so much that you do not want to even consider the explanation could easily be something else?
...could be lots of other things I suppose but I believe that them two airliners full of jet fuel might have had just the tiniest little bit to do with it
LOTS of other perfectly normal professionals in my field believe there is. Are we ALL wrong?, just the ones who swear by a report they haven't seen and which probably don't exist.
Are we all just kooks and nuts? So there is no need to take a better look at this scientifically??? Just rely on GWB about this is what happened???
...don't remember GW making any analysis of the causes.
To say I am disappointed is an understatement..
...nothin personal, but I don't need your approval
But it apparently is OPEN SEASON on anyone who wants to see the evidence of a engineered study of the physics and mechanics involved in collapsing a superstructure like that the way it fell.
...if ya get a engineered I can take a look at it but if it's anything like OCU's Reports circling moscow today reveal blah blah bla I am not interested
IF you want the board to tolerate differing views without insulting others who may see something different or want to explore that possibilty, then the example must be set by the board owner.
SO far, it has not....
SO maybe this should just be the ribit and Zim board.
Beldin is theonlyperson, beside CJ, who hasn;t personally attacked me wanting to see the report and look at other viewpoints..
Both or neither may or may not have that same desire and yet NEITHER is belittling me for wanting to take a look or calling me a conspiracy theorist.
SO there are at least TWO people here who have not been demeaning and had grace enough to allow for somebody to think for themselves.. Golly, there's a novel idea....
...micro have ya ever noticed the tendency you and OCU have to wave the Credential and Education flag whenever anyone questions anythin ya say?
Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!