Replies to Msg. #1190165
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
00914 Re: What pisses me off about Biden…….
   McConnell won't raise the debt ceiling, that scumbag! Not one House...
clo2   FFT4   23 Sep 2021
1:13 AM
00910 Re: What pisses me off about Biden…….
   ...once in awhile you seem to ALMOST get it.
ribit   FFT4   22 Sep 2021
9:02 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

What pisses me off about Biden…….

By: zzstar in FFT4
Wed, 22 Sep 21 7:22 PM
Msg. 00909 of 13458
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His withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The way he did it.

His double speak. He goes it alone while telling everyone let’s be …together. F that.

His bullshit border management. Mayorkas needs to go open his own orphanage. I can’t believe we are letting people in because they ask for asylum or have relatives in the US to go live with them. The whole world has relatives in the US but they can’t even get a US Embassy interview.

Waiting to see how he’ll manage the infrastructure situation with the “progressive” idiots who will end up costing the Dems the House and Senate next year. These are the Dems that regularly go into circular firing squad positions. The fkng idiots will have that double speaking, dishonest liar weasel McCarthy to deal with as Speaker next time around, and the turtle telling them how it is. They are that stupid.

On the other hand, thinking of Trump, I want to puke or break everything around me.