Replies to Msg. #1190413
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
24325 Re: Another Vaccine Side Effect Story
   [color=blue][b]Well, I don't usually offer up too many tales from our...
Beldin   6TH POPE   25 Sep 2021
8:28 PM
24319 Re: Another Vaccine Side Effect Story
   [b]She forgot who the President was[/b] At least something good cam...
nacl01   6TH POPE   25 Sep 2021
7:08 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Another Vaccine Side Effect Story

By: Decomposed in 6TH POPE
Sat, 25 Sep 21 5:05 PM
Msg. 24313 of 58662
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We just met with a realtor to get some property sold and heard yet another "vaccine side effect" story. Our realtor received her second Moderna shot in April. The next day she had a 102 degree fever and could barely move. It lasted 24 hours during which she said she thought she was going to die. She didn't. On Mother's Day weekend, about a month later, she was working in the yard, came inside and told her husband that she felt wrong. Her husband took her blood pressure and it was "sky high." She commented on the flowers she'd received from her son, saying "Oh, those flowers are pretty. Where did they come from?" She had put them on the table herself. Her husband took her to the E.R. The hospital kept her for two days. During that period, she suffered something called "Transient Global Amnesia" and forgot just about everything except her name. She forgot who the President was, who she worked for, what year it was, etc. It lasted about 8 hours. Was it definitely caused by the vaccine? No. But the hospital did not find evidence of a TIA or stroke, so the shot is the best bet. Her amnesia is consistent with the micro-clotting that is widely associated with the shots. She told us that she will not get the booster.

This is now the FIFTH severe side effect case I have first or second hand knowledge of. One of the five died.


Gold is $1,581/oz today. When it hits $2,000, it will be up 26.5%. Let's see how long that takes. - De 3/11/2013 - ANSWER: 7 Years, 5 Months