I went there to try to if the right knee is causing my right lower leg to :"kick" outward when walking and thus the foot lands at an angle causing unhappy tendons/ligaments and acute soreness in the foot joint and along the shin bone from the foot to the right side of the knee.
Something causes that leg to not stay in alignment when I walk and I suspected it might be the knee is finally ready to be replaced.
I was amazed to learn after some great discussion with doc and a couple X rays that more than likely the problem is in my right hip not being flexible and main culprit is arthritis three times worse than in my knee. The xray is rather stunning...
Doc tried to see if there was any flexion in my right hip when sitting and holding my leg straight out and he tried to move the leg to my right. NO success at all. The hip joint was not going to budge. Consequently a look at that joint via the Xray..
POssibly a different issue that does notrequire me to get a gigantic surgical inserted shot into that hip is the IT BAnd on that side..
IF that gets tight as a drum you aren;t going to have any flex in your hip either..
SO, I am learning exercises to do to see if I can loosen the IT bands on my right side of the hip and leg which if successful, should allow my right leg to move forward in a straight alignmnet and path and then my foot will land staight on the ground in alignment once again..
Needless to say, doc said it looks like he will be replacing my hip a lot sooner than my knee. I am kinda hoping to not have to replace either.. I just want my leg and foot to walk properly in alignment so I can get rid of this crippling inflammation running down the outside of my shin bone of my leg down to the foot..
At least we know the real cause of it now.. Hopeflly I can work on it with exercises to see if I can get the IT bands loosened and regain some flex in my right hip and leg so I can walk again in alignment...
It was a good visit because i now know it is not the knee causing this but the hip.
Off to do some stretching.... of IT Bands....