Hey bro,
I just slipped and fell falt on my arse as my foot missed a step and I caught myself enough to land squarely with a thud on my arse .
Can't tell you how good that feels with spinal fusion in my very low back and now my hip is letting me know how much the artur Itis did not like that big jolt either.
Anyway, aside from being clumsy from not looking where I was stepping, I have an MRI scheduled for this Friday at 11:00 a.m. folowed by visit my orthopedic hip and knee replacement doctor who has also surgically worked on my on my fractured wrist that required surgery, one knee, and also a carpal tunnel surgery. So we are familiar with each other. That visit upcoming is Next Monday morning the 18th.. He will have the MRI results and I guess we will go over them. I have told the PA's I don't want that cortisone shot, I want my right leg and foot back so I can walk normally again without all the swelling and pain from the foot, joint, up the front of the lower leg to my knee when I walk, not to mention the pain from the hip itself into the lower back .
Does that make sense?? I just want to skip the shotthing because I know it will not solve my walking problem created by ZERO HIP rotation. I think the Spinal Spondylothesis and fusion repair was hiding this hip pain for awhile and now that the spine does not hurt anyore I can really feel the Hip arthritis..
Did you have any similarity like these? Also, how long was recovery for you to be able to walk after surgery on yer own?
I am considering putting this off until January so I can enjoy the holidays and not kill my wife between now and then. She has enough to do and is the Family COOK and go to person. She is pretty special.. She puts up with me..
I am on some medium strength Percocet plus Naproxen prescription right now trying to keep the pain under control. I know you had this done twice and you have shared those things with me before.
So I have this ball rolling but want to learn a little more like the down time.
Your opinions and counsel are most welcomed.. Very much appreciated..
Thanks in aadvance Ribs.
Semper Fi brother.