President Biden’s address about the supply chain crisis today culminated in realizations such as this:
Curtis Houck ~ Here's the video of President Biden explaining why truckers can make more progress by being allowed to drive overnight and off-peak hours of AM and PM rush hours because -- wait for it -- the roads aren't as crowded.
And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, will help fix the supply chain.
Good grief ... Biden is such an infantile, slobbering stooge. Wow ... WHAT AN EPIPHANY! Truckers can drive at night!!! Biden has been living in his own lil' fart bubble for the past 50 years.
Captain Obvious was unavailable for comment.
Peter Kurilecz ~ Apparently he is unaware that US truckers already drive at night, etc.
Biden is unaware of a LOT of things ... like the fact that his diaper is constantly overloaded.
IndifferentPenguin ~ Because professional truck drivers were unaware of this.
It was a total mystery until Biden let the world know.
Fusilli Spock ~ Why has no one ever thought of this before?
Well, Mr. Spock ... it took a whole village of retards for Hillary, but for this revelation, it only took one special retard to make this connection ...
Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ ~ "We CaN aLlOw TrUcKeRs To DrIvE oVeRnIgHt BeCaUsE rOaDs ArEn'T aS cRoWdEd!" — the braintrust that is your government.
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence