Replies to Msg. #1192972
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
01757 Re: Some bad news...
   They held the funeral today for my cousin back in Michigan. My wife an...
oldCADuser   FFT4   06 Nov 2021
7:45 PM
01590 Re: Some bad news...
   Geez only 47, what can you say. Do his other siblings have the sam...
clo2   FFT4   29 Oct 2021
11:53 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Some bad news...

By: oldCADuser in FFT4
Fri, 29 Oct 21 11:07 PM
Msg. 01588 of 13453
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We just got word that one of my cousins in Northern Michigan has passed away after contracting COVID. This is the first close family member that we've lost to the pandemic.

He was only 47 years old (he was my second cousin) and in good health, but he was a hard core anti-mask, anti-vaxer. Most all of his siblings (he was one of 10) had gotten sick but they all recovered with no apparent long term problems so when he started to feel the symptoms he didn't go to the doctor assuming that he would get past it as well. However, after almost two weeks of not getting any better, he finally went to his doctor who immediately sent him to the hospital, but his condition continued to get worse and he was eventually transferred to another hospital with a better equipped COVID ward. That was almost three weeks ago, but his condition continued to deteriorate. A couple of days ago, his organs started to fail and it was just a matter of time.
