Replies to Msg. #1193330
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
01697 Re: White women turned Virginia red.
   ...Trump turned Georgia Blue (two dem senators) cause he wouldn't STFU...
ribit   FFT4   03 Nov 2021
8:04 PM
01690 Re: White women turned Virginia red.
   CRT only helped get Youngkin name recognition. The real reasons are th...
zzstar   FFT4   03 Nov 2021
1:57 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

White women turned Virginia red.

By: clo2 in FFT4
Wed, 03 Nov 21 12:24 PM
Msg. 01688 of 13453
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White women turned Virginia red.

"CRT" & schools was the defining issue.

Terry screwed up.

Do something positive.