I do not know the answer but I am curious about the origins of the mRNA poisons the cdc calls safe and effective "vaccines" even though the definition of vaccine has changed multiple times now.
My question concerns former President Trump.
It seems that he made it quite easy and cleared all roadblocks to allow these dealers of death in vaccines to become filthy rich by racing to have them approved even though there were warning signs about them being experimental at best and NOT a traditional vaccine that has been extraordinarily safe in all the years prior.
To my knowledge, the ONLY traditionally made vaccine that appears top NOT be the spike protein variety is coming from Novavax .
But, I digress. TRUMP cleared these paths for these poisons. HE was the sitting President and I cannot let him get off scott free from unleashing these de-populating serums loose on the people.
Remember the old adage that HASTE makes Waste? IN this case it is HASTE MAKES DEATH and HASTE MAKES lots of serious illnesses many of which are permamnent and debillitating to the scores of hundreds of thousands who were coerced into taking them.
For those who took this stuff and did not have this reaction, count your blessings. You were lucky.
But again, why did TRUMP not demand better than what went down and accountability? This is absolute BS that nobody who is harmed by these JABS can file a suit against the makers of it for wrongful death or injury.
Seems rather suspicious to me that the pathway was cleared and makes me wonder a little bit about my old buddy DJT....
These are just my thoughts and I thought I would see what anyone else's were.