Replies to Msg. #1194490
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01892 Re: The lesson today….. seem to have your panties in a twist this morning. GOOD! :p...
ribit   FFT4   20 Nov 2021
5:17 PM
01890 Re: The lesson today…..
   Just how mobilizing is the Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal for the GOP medi...
clo2   FFT4   20 Nov 2021
11:56 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

The lesson today…..

By: zzstar in FFT4
Sat, 20 Nov 21 1:29 AM
Msg. 01888 of 13433
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If you are in the presence of a shooter, SHOOT HIM! Don’t just point your gun at him and not shoot. Grosskreutz had a gun in his hand, raised his hands, then no one really knows how his gun was pointed at the little prick, but if he was going to shoot the prick and hesitated he allowed that little bitch to get away with killing people. In a gun fight, you shoot. Ask questions later. He brought it on himself, self defense my ass. Technicalities to get the prick off. Grosskreutz should have killed his ass and there wouldn’t even been a trial as the little prick had already shot two others around Grosskreutz. Now, THAT WOULD HAVE BEEEN SELF DEFENSE!

That’s my lesson. You witnessed what he did, you have a gun, he wouldn’t be breathing today.

Period. Not much else to ponder about.

The rest is BULLSHIT.