Replies to Msg. #1196423
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
02478 Re: Kim Potter, ex cop in Minnesota
   Her job should have been a clerk checking ids at the entrance of somet...
zzstar   FFT4   17 Dec 2021
11:43 PM
02468 Re: Kim Potter, ex cop in Minnesota
   She said if she was alone she wouldn't have even stopped him, for the...
clo2   FFT4   17 Dec 2021
10:09 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Re: Kim Potter, ex cop in Minnesota

By: weco1 in FFT4
Fri, 17 Dec 21 9:14 PM
Msg. 02464 of 13401
(This msg. is a reply to 02463 by clo2)
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Sadly, under pressure, is out of control, whether on the stand now with basic questions, but even in the field under realtime situational stresses, she lost it... Lucky she didn't kill more in her frantic reactions... Manslaughter at the least, and that whole department needs a reboot, top down, for not knowing her weaknesses under pressure...

The shame is, this is likely typical in way too many departments, going along blindly, looking for that lifetime pension...