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Re: if you have not read this you should 

By: hydro_gen in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (3)
Mon, 20 Dec 21 2:37 PM | 34 view(s)
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Msg. 27726 of 60014
(This msg. is a reply to 27717 by Decomposed)

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So instead of attacking the messenger (your MO) WHY not do a little research into graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide and their inclusion in these so called "vaccines" and how that might relate to our collective health??

While you are at it you 'could' research the frequencies utilized by 5-G and their potential impact on the human body. Is the 60Ghz band safe?? (Starter fact - most approval for all wireless network roll outs is based on 'safety' papers submitted by/from the wireless industry from 1996!)

These questions, after all, were the main reason for my posting that link you so eloquently, and hastily dismissed???

I would also suggest that you research the actual epicenter of the initial outbreak of the corona virus.
Do you believe corona was released from the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan China??
IF so then you also must be aware of when China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom rolled out their 5-G networks, right??

OR - could the epicenter of the corona virus have been somewhere else entirely??? Somewhere like maybe Lombardy Italy?? They rolled 5-G out in July 2019. Lombardy has a BSL-4 lab.

LASTLY - I cannot imagine anyone using WIKIPEDIA as a legitimate research source. Perhaps as a starting point. And to be perfectly clear I am NOT defending this "Dr's" background -that is up to the reader. The initial post was to stimulate some critical thinking about the potential connection(s) between graphene oxide/hydroxide in vaccines (On NEMO's bored I have posted links about graphene oxide/hydroxide being contained in all of these jungle juice jabs) and the impact they, combined with the roll out of 5-G, might have on the human body.

Just some things to connect some dots - or not.

Stay safe - stay VACCINE FREE!!!



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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: if you have not read this you should
By: Decomposed
Mon, 20 Dec 21 12:47 AM
Msg. 27717 of 60014


Re: “Makes a LOT of sense, especially if one thinks about the timing of things such as 5G and pulsations from it and when this stuff began to happen.”
Not to me. Panama has had close to half a million cases of Covid-19. It doesn't have 5G.

In fact, there are only 81 nations and territories with 5G but 220 "countries and other" tracked on worldometers.info with Covid-19 problems.

Dr. Young's presentation has other problems that really bother me. For instance, the very strange slide he presents, shown below in cyan, which claims that the latin translation of coronavirus is "Radiation Poisoning" which is an immense stretch. The most common translation of "corona" from the latin is "crown" - which is exactly what a coronavirus looks like if you imagine a crown as viewed from above. (See the images below, of a crown and of coronavirus.)

It sure looks to me like Dr. Robert Young is a quack. His occupation is "Naturopath" - whatever that is. He's not an M.D. and he was actually charged in 2014 and convicted in 2016 for theft and practicing medicine without a license. He did time for it.

Anyway, without doing much research (I didn't review the whole presentation since I found what I was seeing absurd), I'm not buying the claim. If you want to make a case for the good doctor, I'm all ears, but I wouldn't recommend it. The bio of him on Wikipedia shows him to be a buffoon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_O._Young His doctorate in naturopathy and nutrition comes from an uncredited college. He went from bachelor's degree to doctorate in eight months and has killed people who went to him for help instead of real doctors..

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