The Japanese Americans in WW2 here in the UNited States would call the internment camps fot ehor own good of course.
My family was great friends with a Japanese American man who became the city of cincinnati manager and turned the fiscally bankrupt city into one that was running in the black and fiscally sound again even though he was not a politician. He held the highest GPA ever recorded at University of Cincinnati for a very, long time. Smart man. Humble. His wife was Hawain and me and my siblings and parents were good friends of them up until about 15 years ago when Mr Toki and his wife both passed on. The kids who are younger than me and my siblings are still with us and one of the lives in her parent's house in Madeira.
Great people.. Not a threat t o the UNited States. That was BS from racist A holes inpower in the 1940's just like today..