Replies to Msg. #1199098
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28917 Re: brief update

My surgeon arrived and saw me immediately after she had just left and said ARE YOU READY? I said yes sir. He said "Let's go.".

Then, before the people who roll the guerneys got on the cart to roll me over to the operating room I suddenly had a deep, calming peace overcome me. It was my prayers and those of my dear wife and daughter and sister in law being answered. The peace which passes all human undertstanding.

My PA's were there with Doc and came over to hug me. I laid back down and do not remember anything until I woke up after surgery..

I have been blessed with wonderful medical people who are also compassionate and caring. I trust them because of those very reasons.

Anyway, I have a ways to recovery but we have small beginning.. I am still weak. So I likely won;t be writing anyuthing until I get back to this end of the house again..

I wish you all my very best and thank you for your prayers and kind words.. They mean a lot when you are at the bottom.

God Bless you,
