I just want to add that "giving power to the sheeple" is the same thing as giving power to the banksters and other enemies domestic. The sheeple are too dumb to vote intelligently and can be bought with a few trinkets and a kiss for the baby. Only People should be allowed to vote.
By the way, the Founders ALSO tried to keep sheeple from voting. Originally only people who owned real property -- and so had a real stake in the community and the cost of upkeep -- were allowed to vote.
The Morlocks looked at that and made quick work of it: Can't have voting restricted to people who have a stake in the community or who generally can and WILL bother to read and think. It's been Morlocks and Eloi from the beginning with only a relative handful of Time Travellers.
I have come to realize that men are not born to be free. Liberty is a need felt by a small class of people whom nature has endowed with nobler minds than the mass of men. -Napoleon