Just. Wow.
Beyond the whole Will Smith/Chris Rock ‘altercation’ everyone is talking about this morning, this editor was taken aback by two sponsors of last night’s Oscars. The commercial spots are very expensive, so it takes very deep pockets to buy a spot, let alone SPONSOR the star-studded (Thunderdome?) event.
Gosh, Pfizer and BioNTech must have had a really good couple of years. Wonder why that is?
Greg Price ~ "Pfizer and BioNtech are proud sponsors of the Oscars," is a thing I just saw on my TV. LMFAO!
Not even trying to hide it.
Proud of it even.
Amygator ~ Your tax dollars at work!
WHOOHOO! You guys, in a way we sponsored the Oscars last night.
Ok, well the 47% of us who actually pay taxes did.
What a wise investment this has all been. *eye roll*
Jeremy “Not a Biologist” Frankel ~ This can't possibly be real.
Oh, but it is.
YAY again!
The Thinkalorian ~ I'm led to believe they're quite cashed up at the moment.
That's the understatement of the century.
Not Lee Travino ~ Game recognizes game. Sponsoring the best in the biz when it comes to make believe.
47Rmz ~ The world is a stage.
And unfortunately, it’s not all that entertaining right now.
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence