And, most of all, they are single-minded. Their single mindedness is not on the message, which they change all the time to suit their perceived rathole of the year. Their single mindedness is on always, always, always proceeding in the direction of looting, pillaging, and most of all raping the country as a whole.
It makes it very simple for them, if they can steal or break something and get away with it, they will DO it. So “compromising” with them on ANYTHING, EVER becomes a suicide by slow acting poison for the rest of us. We “negotiate” a middle ground, between our Constitution and what they want -- which is everything. Whatever we “compromise” on, no matter the extent, they get closer to their goal, and we get further from ours.
That's the game they are playing. They play for all the marbles, forever and we play for “compromise” and “peace”, for today.
You can't win when you are negotiating "win-win" and the other party is playing "no holds barred" ZERO SUM. And so now there is NO way to get back what has been taken. We can talk about getting rid of 90% of the Federal power and 95% of the Federal budget but we are just kidding ourselves. And they know it. And we -- the Conservatives -- still can't admit it to ourselves. So we go on lying. And we go on losing.
Those "I did this" stickers really need to change to "We did this". I don't think even one person in a hundred is even close to realizing how hopeless this is via "voting".
I have come to realize that men are not born to be free. Liberty is a need felt by a small class of people whom nature has endowed with nobler minds than the mass of men. -Napoleon