President Donald J. Trump famously coined the term ‘fake news’ when describing the atrocious news coverage of his candidacy and Presidency. In many ways, a loosely used term. But the meaning is everything from the non-reporting of news, like the Hunter Biden laptop, to outright lies. Such as the coverage given to the now-debunked Steele Russian Dossier. Or that President Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
While we are growing accustomed to the MSM producing false news than facts, the mainstream media is not the only place giving us a false image of reality. Social media’s crimes are notorious for their suppression of conservative thought, as well as its stifling of truth about things like Covid, vaccination, and basic science on human sex. (The epidemic on free speech is the number one story of 2021)
Lying about biology and chromosomes There are only two, X and Y. Regardless of what the liars of the liberal media say. If you are XX, you are female; if XY, you are male. And it doesn’t matter if you identify with some other set. And you cannot justify it as truth by calling it your gender. You are either a boy or a girl, and it doesn’t matter what chemicals you ingest or what cosmetic surgery you have had.
Your sex is set at the time of conception. Nothing that you do will change that.
Social media perpetuates the false idea that we can make a choice and make it so. For example, you can dye your hair from brown to blonde, but your hair is still brown. Yet liberals on social media scream at anyone posting apparent facts. In doing so, social media, too, gives us fake news.
Taking us to one of the biggest perpetrators of fake news, Hollywood.
The land of fantasy that becomes so ingrained in our minds that we accept lies as truth. Like the long-running lie of the 100-pound woman in high heels kicking the butt of a 200-pound muscle-bound man. That sort of lie.
Just as male athletes pretending to identify as female are routinely beating the best women athletes. They are proving to those who still possess the ability to reason for themselves that there are fundamental biological differences between males and females. Even if you ‘identify’ as the opposite of your biological sex.
If you look at a photo of Leah Thomas, the trans-gender swimmer destroying women’s competitive swimming, you can see she is head and shoulders taller than the other female swimmers. Because her shoulders are broader, her arms are longer, and because she was born male, we can assume her heart is bigger, Thomas will always unfairly beat women.
Looking at how Hollywood portrays America today should tell you everything you need to know about the subtle brainwashing going on. Take interracial marriages. If you watch TV or the movies, at least 25% of marriages are mixed, when the actual number is just over 10%. As most people don’t think about mixed marriage, why lie about it? And why not show an accurate representation?
One in ten people is married to someone from a different race or ethnic background. Seven interracial/interethnic married-coupe combinations make up 95.1 percent of all such married couples. The largest of these is non-Hispanic whites married to Hispanics. 43% of that 10% of interracial/interethnic marriage category are White/Hispanic.
Yet a look at the screen, both big and small, and these groups are underrepresented. This gives us a completely wrong impression of today’s society. In other words…fake news.
The most visible is dealing with the perception of police killing unarmed blacks. A survey showed that among very liberal respondents that more than 50% believed police killed 1,000 or more unarmed black men in 2019. Nearly 8% believe officers killed more than 10,000 unarmed black men in 2019.
According to a Washington Post database, the actual number was 12. CNS News stated that in 2019 fifteen unarmed blacks were killed by police, while police killed 25 unarmed whites. That number itself is deceptive because blacks commit the majority of violent felonies.
And that is the percentage of blacks in this nation. Non-black Americans think that 39 percent of America is black. Black Americans say 52 percent. This phenomenon is due to Hollywood showing disproportionate numbers of blacks on television and in movies. (Americans Are Demographically Ignorant — Largely Due to Media Malpractice)
The actual percentage of African-Americans in America is 12%. About ten in every 100 people in America are black. But Hollywood seldom shows reality.
The TV show “Cops” seldom films in black areas because the number and crimes in black areas would shock the average American. And television networks would not air the show if it showed the truth. So this is as much fake news as anything else.
Where would they get this misperception? From Hollywood, of course, with the aid of the MSM and even advertising agencies. Each form of mass media communications is equally responsible for these false beliefs.
Most programming on television and in movies feature an obligatory homosexual narrative. Hollywood tells us that every family has at least one member attracted to the same sex, and in growing numbers, modern shows are normalizing cross-dressers. That misconception is brought to us purposefully. And that is also fake news.
A recent YouGov poll found that with very few exceptions, Americans are unaware of the country’s demographic reality.
Just as the drive by the radical-left in this nation to teach kindergarten children their warped ideas about a person’s sex, stating that their sex is their decision, is to turn ordinary children into ‘gender-neutral.’
Really? A five-year-old can’t decide what food they like, let alone determine if they are boys or girls. But this drive to normalize unnatural behaviors is an overt attempt to skewer the actual numbers of what America is.
Thank God that President Trump dared to name the number one threat to our way of life. And that is fake news.
In January 2023, after voters have swept away the Democrats across the land, the very first priority is to educate America on who we are. No matter how the fake news reports otherwise, 78% of Americans are white, 97% heterosexual, 99.4% dress accordingly to their natural-born sex, and 70% are God-loving people who go to church, synagogue, or Mosque at least once a year.
That vast majority of American loving, God-loving men and women will straighten out this nation on November 8, 2022.
So, Let’s go, Brandon, to the polls in numbers never seen before and put a stake into the devil’s heart now pushing fake news destroying your America.
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