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Re: Access

By: Decomposed in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Fri, 08 Apr 22 2:19 PM | 35 view(s)
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Msg. 31121 of 60014
(This msg. is a reply to 31119 by Zimbler0)

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Re: “I vaguely remember, De, that microsoft had (once upon a time) 'sample programs' one of which was similar to what you show in your posting. (But not nearly as many fields as you have.)”
That's correct. But years ago, the good folks at Microsoft removed those free templates and the on-line HELP for Access 2007. To save money, I think. It probably made the stock price double.

Or maybe it was because they're bitches.


Gold is $1,581/oz today. When it hits $2,000, it will be up 26.5%. Let's see how long that takes. - De 3/11/2013 - ANSWER: 7 Years, 5 Months

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Access
By: Zimbler0
Fri, 08 Apr 22 2:24 AM
Msg. 31119 of 60014

I vaguely remember, De, that microsoft had (once upon a time) 'sample programs' one of which was similar to what you show in your posting. (But not nearly as many fields as you have.)

Or I may be remembering an example from one of a couple of Access books I had bought . . .

Ah . . . memories.

Tables - to hold ALL the data.

Queries - to allow one to 'copy out' a particularly designed subset of the data.

Forms - for inputting data into the tables. And sometimes to display pertinent items regarding a particular row from a table.

Reports - often based upon Queries for the purpose of displaying data. Particularly in financial activities, Reports can often do calculations such as adding up all the entries in a column of the report.

Normalization - each piece of data should be recorded in only one place.

Such things as queries can access multiple tables at the same time . . .

Another interesting trick . . . Is to have one king kong sized database which is nothing but the most important of data tables. And a second database with all the forms, queries, reports, etc. etc. which has the 'data table database' tables linked to it. And one can have multiple 'program databases' all linked to the same tables in the 'data database'.

And then I've forgotten a LOT of that stuff. . . But I do have books.

(Oh,and do not forget 'macro's' and Visual BASIC code modules.)

And, by the way, it is possible to write queries that will ask for a parameter to search for. And to write queries that will throw up a form with several fields to fill out to enter several 'items' to search and match. For example, if one was searching the database for anything educational by Asimov, you could request 'genre' and 'Originator1' - get the two criteria, and run the query.

VBA will allow one to do some truly remarkable things . . . But I never felt the need to write an actual SQL query.


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